Introducing my new upcoming book, Unraveling Passion, which delves into my life experiences, and explains how I confronted my past to shape my future. Through my story, you'll learn how I established Passion's Story, the first-ever nonprofit nail salon and assisted countless young women in achieving financial stability and creative fulfillment as nail technicians.
My journey began by accident when I encountered subpar service at local nail salons. Disappointed with the experience, I decided to leave behind 13 years worth of experience in property management and real estate and take a leap of faith into the nail industry. In 2016, I opened my salon, Paixxão.Co, and began hiring beauty school graduates to grow my business. During this time, I discovered numerous talented women who struggled with abusive environments. I realized that the nail industry provided them with a unique outlet to unleash their creativity and turn their lives around.
Through my guidance, these young women were able to overcome their personal obstacles and build successful careers as nail technicians. Since then, I've spent years helping dozens of beauty school graduates achieve financial independence and live fulfilling lives as creative professionals.
My book details my experiences and offers a unique approach to removing emotional barriers and navigating financial challenges, paving the way for creative opportunities and fulfilling success.
Unraveling Passion includes my transformative story, living through extreme poverty to thriving nail salon owner.
Don't let financial and emotional obstacles hold you back from fulfilling your dreams in the nail industry. Join the ranks of thriving women and discover the path to living your dream life as a creative professional.
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